Our Internal Departments (How You Can Help Us Grow)

Each Tribe Member is called into marketplace ministry with an end goal of winning souls for the Kingdom of God. Though our platform is an avenue to express our love for God through marketplace ministry, we share a common goal with pulpit ministry which is the salvation and discipling of souls to make Heaven

We have created five (5) unique streams through which you, as a member of our tribe can take your commitment to this vision to the next level. By volunteering to serve in one of these areas listed below, you are playing a role in reaching more Kingdom professionals and recruiting more marketplace ministers who can truly become the salt of the earth and the light of the world. If indeed we are salt, our place is out in the marketplace of nations and industries not within the four corner walls of a church. You can take your spirituality to the next level by serving God in Spirit and in Truth through a genuine initiative that touches the heart of God.

Please note that you as a member, may choose to join more than one department as long as you have the flexibility of time to serve and show up for their meetings willingly


Prayer Department

“Men ought always to Pray and not Faint” – Luke 18:1″

As an organization, we believe in the place of prayer to change lives and businesses of those who are members of our Tribe. Our prayer department which is called Prayer Training host the prayer force meetings that hold on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. This is mandatory for all Tribe Members who are in training to become marketplace ministers – we believe kingdom professionals ought always to pray and not faint. The failure to pray will result in a direct fainting spell in the course of doing business. We keep our prayer altar active and on fire in order to maintain the convictions of our faith and walk with God.

The participants of our prayer training are also trained to lead prayers at each of our Tribe gatherings. They are well informed on how to operate and work in their full spiritual potential through the enabling of spiritual gifts.

Kingdom Funders Department

Our kingdom Funders department is primarily focused on contributing towards the successful growth of our Tribe by raising funds to sponsor growth initiatives, our prayer meetings, launch activities in new cities and administrative expenses that may come up in the course of running our programs. Our secondary goal as a ministry is to support initiatives run by a few pulpit ministries which lead to a massive harvest of souls for the Kingdom of God.

As marketplace ministers we are aware that every blessing comes from God through men. Thus, our Tribe constantly seeks to be a platform that funds legitimate kingdom initiatives that is dear to the heart of God. We are passionate about sponsoring crusades in the furthermost parts of the earth; dedicated to funding missionary trips and building the temple of God (both the physical church building and men, Acts 7:48).

The kingdom funders department is responsible for putting the budget together for each in-house project and breaking it down to achievable milestones so we can reach them. Our Tribe as an organization does not take offerings, however we are open to partnerships from those who want to sow into the vision to help us grow.

Outreach Department

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat. I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink. I was a stranger and you invited me in. I needed clothes and you clothed me. I was sick and you looked after me. I was in prison and you came to visit me.” – Mathew 25:35-36

The Outreach department at The Tribe consist of Volunteers willing to reach those in Prisons, Hospitals as well as helping Communities in Remote Villages in Africa and Asia. Also, visits to Orphanage Homes to share of the love of Christ. Projects that are executed in these communities are digging of boreholes, payment of tuition for primary and secondary education, feeding program for the homeless and other empowerment programs. This Marketplace Ministry department is for you if you are extroverted and love to interact with people.

Helps Department

1st Corinthians 12:28
– And God has placed in the Church first of all Apostles, second Prophets, third Teachers, then Miracles, the Gifts of Healing, Gifts of Helping, of Guidance and of Different Kinds of Tongues.

Have you been gifted with a willingness to serve others? Are you passionate about organizing and coordinating events, programs and the likes? Perhaps you love to work behind the scenes and see satisfaction in everyone having a great time. If this sounds like you, the ministry of helps will be perfect for your personality.

Our helps ministry was created to send volunteers to help with large crusades and conventions held by various pulpit ministries as a joint collaborative effort to win souls for the Kingdom of God. The helps ministry offers human resources and time to create the perfect program as it pertains to pre-organizing and post clean-up. Those in this department also help call and follow up with members of our Tribe.

Evangelical Department (Forerunners)

“The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life and he that wins souls is wise.”
– Proverbs 11:30

Due to the busy lives kingdom professionals live, we have created a separate group dedicated to evangelism and business-to-business outreach. The role of active marketplace ministry is to preach the gospel to every creature and prepare a harvest of souls for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This is the most fun and most impactful Ministry Arm of our Tribe as you get to see real life impact through evangelism outreach.

Just as Jesus sent out the seventy, members of the forerunner department partake in creative avenues to reach lost souls online and on ground. Members of this department consist of those who are influential on social media platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

We believe in the effectiveness of doing this in one accord to reach the online community more effectively. If you would love to kickstart your Marketplace Ministry experience through evangelism, please kindly indicate your interest during your interview and we will be glad to enroll you.